Testimonial #6

The greatest compliment that we can give a healthcare provider, or anyone for that matter, is the referral of a friend or family member. Dr. Julie Martin has received more referrals from me than I’ve ever given before! It mainly comes from those who know me and say, “Wow, you seem to be doing really well.”, or “You look better than I’ve seen you in quite awhile!”
I have had chronic illness for years. I’ve seen numerous practitioners, of all types, to find a solution. I’m a very willing and compliant patient. That really didn’t matter and I continued to suffer. Dr. Martin went a route with me that was a bit different than those in my past. It’s a steady course I continue to follow. I find my wellbeing continuing to improve and I’m committed to this course until I’m thriving. I wouldn’t want anyone else leading my team than this compassionate, generous and talented doctor!!


Testimonial #5